Garage Door Cables
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There’s a garage door company in Anaheim that does every garage door service you can think of. We are that company! We pride ourselves on being able to handle any service having to do with a garage door. One of the services that our company handles is garage door cables and tracks. Cables and tracks need to be kept in great working condition, because they are the heart of the garage door. They are what makes the door open and close. We have great garage door contractors to take care of these systems for you.
Here are some common issues we can fix for you:
• broken cable
• loose cable
• cable coming off drum
• door coming off track
• bent garage door track
These are some of the fixes that our Garage Door Repair in Anaheim can provide to our customers:
• Fix a door that’s off its track
• Fix rubber on the bottom of a garage door
• Weather strip
• Fix a broken emergency release
• Replace sections of garage door
… And so much more!
Our customers can always reach us when they need us.
We also have a garage door opener service. If you’ve ever seen a garage door opener, you know they are bulky and heavy. They are very difficult to try to replace if you are not an expert in garage doors like our repair professionals. The openers that we carry in stock include Sears, Liftmaster, Genie, Chamberlain, Marantec, and Craftsman garage door openers. These come in a variety of styles. You can find one to match your drive whether it is a belt drive, screw drive, or chain drive. Let us install an opener for you, or fix the garage opener you already have.
Garage door opener drives fall into these categories:
• Chain Drive: This drive is most common. It is the least costly, but it is quite noisy.
• Screw Drive: The next step up. It’s a bit quieter and costs a bit more.
• Belt Drive: This drive costs more than the previous two, but it is extremely quiet.
We also offer many different remotes for you use with your garage door opener:
•Clicker: considered to be the one truly universal garage door remote.
•Genie Intellicode: a remote with rolling code technology for your safety and security. Rolling code technology has an inner code that automatically changes every time your garage door is opened, so that it can’t be learned or copied by potential intruders.
•Liftmaster Security+: another remote with rolling code technology.
•Multi Code: A remote that lets you use multiple frequencies at one time.
These remotes will let you open and close your garage door without stepping out of your vehicle. The remotes come in all sizes and styles. Our garage door company can repair, replace, and install these remotes.
We also deal with garage door springs. There are a couple different types of door springs. There are torsion garage door springs, which are for heavy doors, and extension garage door springs for light doors. The torsion springs come in two sets of two and the extension springs come in one set of two. Both of these are galvanized springs, coated with a blend of zinc and iron that make the springs last a lot longer. Please always permit a professional from our Garage Door Repair in Anaheim install or replace these springs for you, because they can be very dangerous to deal with. Garage door springs can hurt and even killed people when they are being repaired or installed, by snapping back at the person working with them.
We keep a range of wooden doors in stock, as well as aluminum doors and steel doors, which span from traditional to very modern styles. We even have garage doors made of glass, which are very modern. You’ll be the envy of your neighbors! Glass doors are particularly wonderful if you spend a lot of time in your garage, as they let sunlight come streaming in to your garage.